More WHITECHAPEL “Draw Me” submissions
A couple more drawings done for the Warren Ellis WHITECHAPEL boards.
February 27, 2009 -
The WHITECHAPEL “Draw Me” Thread
For the last week solid, I’ve been really digging a thread on the Warren Ellis WHITECHAPEL forum called “The Draw Each Other Art Challenge Thread”, where people have been posting cool photos…
February 25, 2009 -
25 Random Facts about Paul Sizer
I did this list as part of a Facebok meme, and thought I’d dump it here as well: 1. I am the oldest of four kids in the Sizer family, although I…
January 31, 2009 -
Blue Monday, New Hope
This photo was in response to Warren Ellis’ forum boards, from a thread stating that January 19 is statistically the “grimmest and most depressing day of the calendar year”, to which I…
January 20, 2009 -
Test scenes for “BLACK ANGEL” book
…or rather “imaginary book”. I did a few test scenes to try out some of my concept ideas for the “Black Angel” REMAKE that I did at the Ellis WHITECHAPEL boards, just…
January 13, 2009 -
More BLACK ANGEL images
More fun with PhotoShop, this time making World War II allied propaganda posters using my BLACK ANGEL illustration. Nerd factor: I rebuilt the color image as a tritone using the red-blue-black colors…
January 5, 2009 -
Hot Damn, Warren Ellis’ WHITECHAPEL “REMAKE/REMODEL” threads have started up again for 2009. First up, THE BLACK ANGEL: LINK Here’s Warren’s description: “The Black Angel has an incredibly good name (for 1942).…
January 4, 2009 -
Really Short Stories.
“We’ll be brief: Hemingway once wrote a story in just six words (“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”) and is said to have called it his best work. So we asked sci-fi,…
December 30, 2008 -
This week’s Warren Ellis REMAKE/REMODEL thread: old school comic artist Basil Wolverton’s SPACEHAWK: Here’s a link to Ellis’ description at WhiteChapel: SPACEHAWK BIO Here’s my pitch: “As his spaceship more and more…
December 19, 2008