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  • Busy?

    Hey, I know this is incredibly mundane (and that NO one reads my blog except for spambots), but if you’ve called in the last week to our home number and gotten a…

  • I saw history last night…

    I am really proud of America today. Lots of work to do, but a good first step is a good first step…


    7:15 am, at the polls. Huge line of people, but got Jane and I got through really quick, maybe 25 minutes total. I grabbed the black pen and voted the Hell out…

  • Best email of the day…

    Last email of the day before leaving work: “Hello Paul, Robin Brenner here — I know we’ve spoken a few tiles at ALA, and I’m very happy to be emailing you today…

  • Most People Are DJs “BPM MEDIA” podcast #3

    Part 3 of 8 for the Most People Are DJs podcast “BPM Media” series: Come back next week for “BPM MEDIA” Episode 4! If you’d like to download the podcast, you can…

  • Sizer Author Talk Video/Photos

    All righty,here’s the video proof of me either making an artistic statement or making a colossal fool of myself for the sake of B.P.M.: my beatmixing demo of finding the common ground…

  • SPX 2008

    Awesome! That’s my con wrap-up report from this year’s Small Press Expo in Bethesda MD. My lovely wife Jane did a bang-up write up, so in the interest of piggy-backing on her…

  • Most People Are DJs “BPM MEDIA” podcasts #’s 1 & 2

    This is the first installment of an 8 part podcast series hosted by Mike Pfieffer, also known as Mikel OD, the brains behind “Most People Are DJs” an excellent music podcast from…

  • Getting ready for Tuesday

    Very busy week ahead, but in a good way: Tuesday is my BPM Author event at the Kalamazoo Public Library, and I’ve been rehearsing my best reading voice for this, as well…

  • International BPM

    Sorry, but this always makes me feel like a big shot, just a little…