The March for Science gets a “high five” from Paul Sizer.
My SCIENCE BUILDS THE FUTURE posters have been some of my more popular and well-shared images on the internet. I was contacted in December of 2016 by the national headquarters of The March For Science, a non-profit volunteer activism group that was organizing an event of the same name to be held on Earth Day (April 22) in Washington DC, with sister marches across the country. The purpose of the marches was to bring attention to the defunding policies and dismissal of science-based research/support by the incoming Trump administration. After the impact of the Women’s March on DC, the March For Science organization hoped to build upon the momentum of that historical event. After seeing my “Science Builds The Future” series, they contacted me to involve me in the process.
The initial request from the March For Science organization was to have me design just kid’s t-shirts for them to sell at the Washington DC march and online previous to the event. When I turned in my designs, the organization liked them enough that they offered the shirts in children’s AND adult sizes, and in the end, more adult shirts were ordered than kid’s shirts. The organization also produced 24″ x 36″ posters of these designs.
You can still purchase my t-shirt designs through the March For Science online store. You can purchase these designs on t-shirts, hoodies and other wearable directly from the March For Science online store.