Best email of the day…

Last email of the day before leaving work:
“Hello Paul,
Robin Brenner here — I know we’ve spoken a few tiles at ALA, and I’m very happy to be emailing you today with good news.
I am writing to you today with my official hat on as the Chair of the Great Graphic Novels for Teens Committee to let you know one of your title’s has been nominated for consideration by our committee.
Your book, B.P.M.,has been nominated for the Great Graphic Novels for Teens Selection list which will come out in January of 2009.”
Well, HOT DAMN! THAT’S news I can take to the bank! I love librarians; they support books like crazy, and this list is gold for someone like me. MOPED ARMY made the list in 2007, so here’s hoping BPM does as well for 2009!
Also, a cool photo of me and a young fan from my BPM Author Talk at the Kalamazoo Public Library last month! Note: she’s the cool one, I’m the dorky one in the Utilikilt!