Blue Monday, New Hope

This photo was in response to Warren Ellis’ forum boards, from a thread stating that January 19 is statistically the “grimmest and most depressing day of the calendar year”, to which I say “Bullshit!” We were instructed to write a message to viewers in response to this news, and snap a picture of ourselves.
So as I sit here on Tuesday, January 20, 2009, I still feel the same way. Filled with great hope and joy that my country is finally getting out of it’s stunted adolescence and becoming a smarter, more internationally aware WORLD nation, not the self interested greedy and sullen one that we’ve had to adhere our names to for the last 8 years. I am proud of America for taking a step towards growing up and embracing the values that it was founded on and for. There’s a lot of crap work ahead to slog through and deal with, but for the first time in a long time, my long view is filled with hope and inspiration towards America.