Living in the Creativity Gap

Creativity-wise, I’m at a weird space.
I’m finished with B.P.M., have been touring and doing the convention circuit with it, and have absolutely no concrete idea what I want to do next, comic-wise. Usually, I have a pretty solid idea of what’s next on the plate when I finish a book, but I find myself at a gap right now, which alternately is seen by me as an opportunity and as a pain in the ass. On the one hand, I want to have that slot filled in my head, so that I have that answer to “So, what’s next?” On the other hand, I want to be really excited about what I do next, and while I have a group of about 5-6 rough ideas floating around, nothing is jumping up and screaming at me. Which means I need to just keep working and poking at things until I DO find something worth devoting a lot of time to.
Sometimes, it’s just kind of frustrating to allow yourself to recharge the batteries, and let things present themselves; I’ve always been more of a “charge ahead and figure out the details as I go” kind of creator, but with all I’ve learned in the last two years, and to what level I want to produce, I don’t want to slap something together, I want to really make myself push to refine what I do next. I want it to surprise me, in the same way some of the art styles on B.P.M. initially surprised and motivated me to tell a certain kind of story. I want it to have the same kind of thrill I’ve had with some of the “pitches” for the REMAKE/REMODEL threads. And I know the answer; just keep hammering away and I’ll find that story and how to tell it. But to also take myself out of my comfort zone and try some shit that scares/thrills/freaks me out, unsure that I can carry it off.