Lots of BPM linkings

Well, the hype machine is wheezing to life, and happily, things are starting to get out there. I’m actually starting to get pre-orders on BPM through my site, all the big boy vendors like Amazon, B&N, Target (!) have BPM listed as being ready to pre-order! Yay for that.
Also, some really nice linkings from online articles, interviews and mentions of BPM:
Interview with Jen Contino on THE PULSE: LINK
I’ve been sending out review copies of the book to reviewers and people who may dig the book, like James Sime of Isotope Comics. I’ve also been sending out queries for review to reviewers who specialize in gay-friendly content books, given that there’s a significant amount of gay content in BPM, I wanted to expand who would hear of this book, and this seemed like a logical direction to pursue. We’ll see what people think.
Books are still on their way by big boat, so keep your fingers crossed that no one sinks!