The “24 PROJECT” for 2010
I’ve messed around with 24 hour Comics Day in the past, and had fun with it, but I wanted to take an alternate approach to it, given that I’m doing as much design as I am illustration/comic art these days. So I decided to set my self a challenge this past weekend; create 24 pieces of all new art in 24 hours. Any direction, any subject matter, any style, and any medium. For speed and faster interaction with the web, I did everything digitally, and posted each submission to DeviantArt as soon as it was done, to keep myself as honest as possible.
Well, the experiment went pretty well. I did 2 sessions of 12 hours (one on Saturday, one on Sunday) and kept each piece to around 1 hour of design/drawing time. I made it to 20 pieces before my brain and arm and eyes just gave out, but I think I got a few good ones.
If you want, you can check them all out on my DEVIANT ART pages, to see all my sparkling wit and play by play commentary.
Here they are, in chronological order: